South Coast Repertory presents TAKING STEPS by Alan Ayckbourn, directed by Art Manke, and featuring Bill Brochtrup (Mark), Emily Eiden (Kitty), Louis Lotorto (Leslie), Kasey Mahaffy (Tristram), Rob Nagle (Roland) and Kirsten Potter (Elizabeth).
Tickets are $20-$52 previews; $28-$62 regular performances and the show runs through June 15, 2008. The box office is open from10am to showtime Tuesdays through Saturdays; noon to showtime Sundays; 10am to 6 pm Mondays and non-performance days. American Express, VISA and MasterCard accepted. (714) 708-5555.
Rob Nagle, Kirsten Potter and Louis Lotorto
Kirsten Potter and Louis Lotorto
Kasey Mahaffy, Bill Brochtrup and Rob Nagle
Bill Brochtrup, Rob Nagle and Kasey Mahaffy
Kasey Mahaffy and Rob Nagle
Kasey Mahaffy, Rob Nagle and Louis Lotorto
Kasey Mahaffy and Rob Nagle
Louis Lotorto, Kasey Mahaffy and Rob Nagle
The cast of Taking Steps
Photos from South Coast Repertory.