Award-winning theatre company Son of Semele Ensemble (SOSE) announces the U.S. premiere of The City, a new play by British playwright Martin Crimp, opening tonight, August 17 at the Son of Semele Theater in Silver Lake. The City is an elliptical play exploring the uncertainty of modern life through three characters who are trying to make sense of a surreal and collapsing world.
Clair, a translator, will not write stories of her own. Her characters feel lifeless just like the piano playing of her neighbor Jenny, a nurse whose husband is away fighting in a mysterious and secret war. Clair's husband Christopher fears that restructuring at work will cause him to lose his job and, to make matters worse, his marriage is deteriorating quickly. Nothing is as it seems and truth is stranger than fiction in this austere play about the abruptly shifting landscape of contemporary life.Performances of The City begin tonight, August 17, playing Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. and Sundays at 5:00 p.m. One "theatre community" performance will be offered on Monday, September 17 at 7:00 p.m. There are no performances September 7 through 9.
Admission ranges from $18-20. Discounted group tickets are available for groups of 6 or more. Unsold seats at the time of curtain will be sold to local residents of zip codes 90004 and 90026 for $10.00 (I.D. required). Tickets are available through the SOSE website at The box office opens one half hour prior to curtain. Son of Semele Theater is located in Silver Lake at 3301 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. (one mile west of Alvarado).Videos