Mad World Productions announces extension of Sex, Relationships, And Sometimes...Love. Written and directed by Joelle Arqueros, produced by Nicolas Read, this compilation of dramatic, comedic and melodic monologues takes a provocative and insightful look into the lives of contemporary men and women from all walks of life and sexual preferences.
Based on real-life experiences, Sex, Relationships and Sometimes...Love is currently enjoying a five-year open-ended run at The Michael Chekov Theatre in New York.
The Los Angeles production features a rotating ensemble that includes Sylvie Yarza, Lavonne, Terumi Shimazu, Brian Demkoski, Terumi Shimazu, Ramona Stephens, Leslie Intriago, Nicolas Read, Arthur Shinomia, Sawn Myere, Donaa Letterse, Brian Barth, Audrey Sarn, Brent Anderson, Joelle Arqueros, Tiffany Alden, Shoobie, and Sarah Bogatti.
Running Time: 75 Minutes
Continues: Sundays only through July 26
The Actor's Playpen, 1514 N. Gardner, West Hollywood.
(Between La Brea and Fairfax)
Tickets: $12; students - $10
Telephone: RSVP 310-226-6148