We Are Thomasse, the married British-American sketch comedy duo, announces that The Second City Hollywood has invited them to perform on a monthly basis this spring and summer. The full run dates are as follows: April 18th, May 16th, June 20th and July 18th at 8pm (every third Tuesday of the month). Tickets are only $10 each and they can be purchased here through The Second City's website.
The married couple of Nick Afka Thomas (the Brit) and Sarah Ann Masse (the American) are excited to be performing consistently at Second City Hollywood with some brand new sketches. The duo creates a unique brand of clean but twisted British-American humo(u)r. They have been compared to Monty Python on the one hand, Nichols & May on the other, and Key & Peele on that always useful third hand. The duo has performed their quick-witted, fast-paced, show over 35 times in four states, three countries, two continents, and one planet. Notable venues include UCB, the PIT, Broadway Comedy Club, iO West, North Carolina Comedy Arts Festival, the LA Scripted Comedy Festival, the Museum of Comedy and the Leicester Square Theatre - not to mention packed houses in London and Paris!
We Are Thomasse's digital content is frequently featured on FunnyOrDie.com as well as the site's Youtube channel. We Are Thomasse's latest web series "Feminist Fairytales" has picked up awesome buzz on sites such as TheMarySue.com and ComedyCake.com. Additionally, the duo's hit sketch 'Awkward Exes: Britain & America' went viral, getting nearly 3 million views.
For tickets to the shows: https://secondcityus.secure.force.com/ticket/#sections_a0F36000008P4hSEAS
For more information about We Are Thomasse & additional shows: http://www.wearethomasse.com/
To follow We Are Thomasse on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Funny or Die.
About We Are Thomasse:
We Are Thomasse is a married British-American sketch comedy duo comprised of Nick Afka Thomas (the Brit) and Sarah Ann Masse (The American). Together they create a unique brand of clean but twisted British-American humo(u)r. The team delivers funny, fresh, high-energy sketches, covering everything from an Empathetic Mugger to The Proper Way to Have Sex. They have performed in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, and London, playing venues such as UCB, The PIT, iO West, Second City LA and the Leicester Square Theatre. Their cross-cultural sketches can be seen frequently on Funny or Die and other popular digital platforms. For more information, visit wearethomasse.com.