"Immediate Family," a biting new comedy written by Paul Oakley Stovall and directed by Phylicia Rashad, opened at the Center Theatre Group/Mark Taper Forum on Sunday, May 3. Performances continue through June 7, 2015. Click below to watch highlights from the show!
The play explores evolving ideas of marriage and family. When the Bryant siblings come together for the first time in five years to attend a wedding, the family reunion quickly becomes a hilarious family showdown. Secrets are revealed and long-held beliefs are challenged as a spirited game of cards brings all of the family dysfunctions to the table.
The cast for "Immediate Family" includes Kamal Angelo Bolden, J. Nicole Brooks, Bryan Terrell Clark, Shanésia Davis, Mark Jude Sullivan and Cynda Williams.
Sets for "Immediate Family" are by John Iacovelli, costumes by ESOSA, lights by Elizabeth Harper, sound is by Joshua Horvath with wigs and hair by Carol F. Doran. The production stage manager is David Blackwell.
Tickets for "Immediate Family" are available by calling (213) 628-2772 or visiting www.CenterTheatreGroup.org. Tickets range from $25 - $85 (ticket prices are subject to change). The Mark Taper Forum is located at the Music Center, 135 N. Grand Avenue in Downtown L.A. 90012.