Smoke is the second installment of the "True Stories" trilogy created by the Circle² Collective, which was preceded last year by the company's inaugural production, Embers. Whereas Embers was an exploration of Beginnings, Origins, and Identity, Smoke examines the themes of Crossroads, Transitions, and Fear.
The show is a series of vignettes created using Moment Work, popularized by the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning group, the Tectonic Theater Project. (The Laramie Project, I am My Own Wife, Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo.) Smoke asks: how does fear influence the choices we make in life, and how do we choose to live with the consequences? Join us for a multimedia theatrical event filled with Enigmas, Apparitions and Horrors, both real and imagined.
Thursday through Sunday, Oct. 9th - November 2nd. Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 3pm. Son of Semele Ensemble Theater: 3301 Beverly Blvd. LA, CA 90004. A limited number of pre-sale tickets are available for $15 in advance, online. All tickets can be purchased in advance at or at Tickets are also available at the door. $20 General Admission or $18 Student admission (w/ student I.D.) Street parking.
This production is made possible by SoSE Host, Son of Semele's curated guest production program that offers subsidized space, equipment and staffing to other progressive theater artists and companies. Through SoSE Host Son of Semele fosters and supports like-minded artists who are making bold choices and forging new ground in their work. For more information about SoSE Host or to apply, visit