Silver Bullet, written and directed by Jesse Feldberg, is a film noir inspired drama in which an upper class business woman must control the investigation into the death of her best friend's husband while the detective must use his charm and intellect to uncover the truth, navigate class politics, and avoid the wailing siren of the femme fatale.
SILVER BULLET opens as part of the Hollywood Fringe Festival on June 8th running through June 28th at Underground Annex - 1308 N Wilton Place Santa, Los Angeles CA 90028.
The friend has to deal with the shock of her dead husband while the detective's supervisor must mentor her protege. But things are not always as they appear.
Produced, written and directed by Jesse Feldberg. Starring Katherine Kimball, Taylor Mack, Mark Pillar, Eden Rubinpour, and Raul Tapia.
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