Lauren Gunderson's play, Silent Sky, is based on the true story of astronomer Henrietta Leavitt. The play opens in 1900, when Leavitt is working in the Harvard Observatory in the "woman's room." These women "computers," are tasked with measuring and cataloging stars. They work from photographic plates because women were not allowed to touch the telescopes. The astronomer for whom they work calculates projects in "girl hours," has no time for the women's probing theories and has no problem taking credit for their ideas.
Fortunately, Leavitt's natural intelligence and curiosity won't be constrained by norms of the day or the opinions of men. She spends her off hours studying the luminosity and pulsations of specific sets of stars. Her work resulted in a standardized measurement tool that's still used today. She also theorized there were multiple galaxies, although that was met with scorn at the time, today we know it to be true. The play is about far more than the science of stars. It's also a love story, and a life lived with hardships as well as endless optimism and joy. The author, Lauren Gunderson, described it as a fluid conversation of opposites: of Science and faith and of math and music. She describes Leavitt's character as a woman who is intellectual, funny and romantic.
"When I read the play it immediately made me think of the movie Hidden Figures," said Sean Gray, Producing Artistic Director for the Playhouse. "The idea that women can't be as proficient in math and science as men is quickly laid to rest by the facts. Silent Sky is beautifully written. We've worked hard to create a set that is as breathtaking as the story and the stars that Henrietta studied. I think the audience will find it an experience that engages the senses as well as the heart."
The show is directed by Phyllis Gitlin. During the past 28 years, Ms. Gitlin has directed 36 shows for the Playhouse including the Mainstage musicals, My Fair Lady and Fiddler on the Roof. In addition to directing, she also teaches acting at Orange Coast College.
"Silent Sky has it all. The opening scene shows Henrietta's wit and charm. It tells us she's not afraid to speak up. She's endearing from the first moment she appears," said Playhouse Executive Director, Madison Mooney. "She's the woman many of us aspire to be, strong but not hard, witty, intellectual, and willing to take risks to get what we want."
It's a small cast, just five actors, four women and one man. Returning actors include Loren Bowen, Austin James, Brenda Kenworthy, and Holland Renton. Amber Hill is making her debut at LBP.
The show opens April 6 and runs through May 4, 2019.
Friday: Adults are $20.00, Seniors $18.00, and Students $14.00 Saturday and Sunday: Adults are $24.00, Seniors $21.00, and Students $14.00. Tickets are available at, or by calling 562-494-1014, option 1. To request an interview with the director, cast members or reserve your media tickets to this performance, please send an email to:
Long Beach Playhouse is located at 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach, CA, 90804, right across from the Long Beach Recreation golf course. The Playhouse is community-supported theatre with programs and events that cut across age, gender, ethnic, and cultural boundaries. Performances are 8 p.m. Friday, and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. The box office is open Wednesday-Saturday from 3:00-8:00 pm and Sundays from 1:00-2:00 pm on scheduled matinees.