Shriekfest, the Los Angeles Horror/SciFi Film Festival continues its tradition as Los Angeles' Premier horror film event, presenting an exciting program of films each fall with beautiful Los Angeles as its backdrop. Shriekfest takes place at the legendary Raleigh Studios, which is the largest independent studio operator in the country.
We offer filmmakers and film fans alike an ideal setting in a world-famous city, SHRIEKFEST draws in over 5,000 attendees each year. Both established and emerging filmmakers gain media exposure, connect with the region's diverse audiences, and participate in an acclaimed event attended by industry professionals as well as horror and scifi fans. Over the past twelve years, Shriekfest has welcomed numerous indie icons into its family.
We are looking for new and original films and screenplays. We are accepting films/screenplays in seven categories: narrative feature, narrative short, narrative super short, webisodes, feature screenplay, short screenplay, and original song.
We will be awarding prizes to the winning filmmaker in each category. THE FINAL DEADLINE FOR THE 2012 FESTIVAL IS JULY 10TH! HURRY!
HOW TO ENTER Entry form and information:
We look forward to seeing your film!