In January 2017, Diana Varco premiered her solo show Shattered at the Whitefire Theatre SoloFest to a standing ovation. 'I was nervous to do the show because sexual assault wasn't a topic most people openly talked about' Varco said. Today, in January 2018, it's a topic everyone is talking about.
Shattered starts off with Diana asking herself 'why don't I date much or like sex?' What ensues is a whimsical and shocking journey through Diana's mind and past experiences that shaped her views of sex, sexuality and relationships. Playing over 35 characters, Diana delivers a powerhouse performance - filled with wit, poignancy, and vulnerability. Her show is being guided by acclaimed solo show artist and director Jessica Lynn Johnson, who Varco said was integral in the decision to share her story.
Performing the show a year after the premiere is especially important to Varco because it marks a change in mentality. 'For years, my life would crumble every time the anniversary of the assault would come around. No matter what I did, it was like I was right back at the moment it happened. I felt totally defeated.' Varco said. This year, she looks forward to celebrating the anniversary of her finally telling her story. 'Now I have a new anniversary. One to celebrate, not to dread.'
Shattered will show on February 18th at 7pm for the anniversary performance at the Whitefire Theatre SoloFest and a 30min excerpt will be performed at the LA Women's Theatre Festival on March 30th at 8pm for Love, Sex and #Metoo.
Whitefire Theatre SoloFest - February 18th at 7pm
Whitefire Theatre - 13500 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Ticket price: $15 in advance, $20 at the door
LA Women's Theatre Festival - March 30th at 8pm
Electric Lodge - 1416 Electric Avenue, Venice, CA 90291
Ticket price: $25 in advance, $30 at the door / $140 for all shows at Festival