"SANTASIA - A Holiday Comedy" created by Shaun and Brandon Loeser, directed by Shaun Loeser, is celebrating its 20th year. This Off-Broadway Hit and Critics' Pick laugh out loud annual holiday romp and perfect blend of Yuletide snark and sentiment, will have its holiday run December 6 - December 28 at the Whitefire Theatre in Sherman Oaks, CA.
"SANTASIA - A Holiday Comedy" has been compared to "The Carol Burnett Show", "The Kids in the Hall", "In Living Color", "Saturday Night Live" and Vaudeville. This multi-media holiday special has it all including classic Rankin and Bass Claymation inspired movies, musical parodies, and heartfelt holiday moments; new sketches and audience favorites.
The cast features the talents of Brandon Loeser, Shaun Loeser, Lon Gowan, Omar Heyward, Chey Kennedy, Rusty Locke, and Darren Mangler.
The production team includes Brandon Loeser (Producer, Technical Director, Co-Writer), Shaun Loeser (Producer, Director, Co-Writer), Stacey Quinealty (Musical Director /Composer), Tania L Pearson-Loeser (Choreographer, Assistant Director, Producer, Co-Writer), Banzai Vitale (House Manager), Andy Palmer (Associate Producer, Co-Writer) and Wynn Zucchero (Associate Producer, Lighting Designer, Stage Manager).