Songs of Bilitis is an erotic psychological thriller, exploring the true story of a flamboyantly heterosexual avant-garde Parisian novelist who successfully impersonated a lesbian Greek poet in the most elaborate erotic literary hoax the world has ever known. The show has been extended with Rogue Artists Ensemble through April 6, 2013.
Rogue Artists Ensemble combines multi-media projections with puppetry, movement, sophisticated live audio-sampling and larger-than-life Greek masks to transport us through a world of sexual power struggles and changing identities. (Mature audiences: contains nudity and adult themes.)
Based on the French erotic novel by Pierre Louÿs, adapted for the stage by Katie Polebaum with Rogue Artists Ensemble and directed by Sean T. Cawelti, the show continues through April 6:
Thursdays @ 7:30 pm*: March 28; April 4
Fridays @ 7:30 pm*: March 22, 29; April 5
Saturdays @ 7:30 pm*: March 23, 30; April 6
(*Please note early 7:30 pm curtain time)
All performances run at the Bootleg Theater, 2220 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif. Call 213-596-9468 or visit Tickets: General Admission: $25; Students: $18
Songs of Bilitis was originally commissioned by the Getty Villa Theater Lab for a workshop presented in March 2012.