On Monday, January 8, Rockwell Table and Stage presents Rockwell Drops The Mic: Michael Jackson!
Rockwell Site: http://bit.ly/2j8SLGs
Goldstar: http://bit.ly/2BZRVHw
Rockwell Drops the Mic is bringing you the music of one of the best-selling music artists of all-time...Michael Jackson! Come hear the songs you love, and songs you may not know sung by performers from the stage and screen.
Scheduled to Appear:Todd Sherry, Eric Krop, Michelle Raitzin, Jaq and Gina, Everjohn Feliciano, Bianca Gisselle, Desi Dennis-Dylan, Tyler Mann, Justin Jones, Heather Olt, Kyra Selman, Lyle Colby Mackston, AJ Mendoza, Jennifer Foster
Musical Direction by Emily Rosenfield
Facebook: facebook.com/rockwelldropsthemic
Instagram: @rockwelldropsthemic