Chico's Angels ring in the New Year with a high sea adventure. The Angels find their shiny high-heels in deep water in "Chico's Angels 2: Love Boat Chicas".
About the show: "Kay Sedia; Chita Parol and Frieda Laye are on a case that has them undercover on The Love Boat to find out who wants to kill the super-Latino-star Charo!"
Los Angeles show opens on Wed, January 4, 2012 and runs through Sunday, January 15, 2012 Shows are Wed thru Sunday, plus Sunday Matinees. Tickets on sale now at
The show features three beautiful and comedic Latina drag queens as the leads: Kay Sedia, Chita Parol & Frieda Laye - Who work for pennies for their unseen boss. Think a Latino drag queen/three stooges version of the 70s series, Charlie's Angels.
Chico's Angels: Love Boat Chicas is directed by Kurt Koehler. The show was co-created and co-written by Oscar Quintero and Kurt Koehler.
Can't get enough of Chico's Angels? Check out their website at On the website one can find everything about these captivating detectives. The heavenly website contains weekly-updated Angel blogs, Angel bios, hot videos and on-fire merchandise.
Coming up for Chico's Angels will be the premier of their three original music videos to be seen exclusively on their website.
Chico's Angels first three webisodes are currently playing on Each episode such a super guest stars as Eden Espinosa, Broadway star "RENT" & Los Angeles's "Wicked"'; Steven Hill from "Real World: Las Vegas"; Mike Pingel from "TVLand's Chasing Farrah"
Chico's Angels were nominated for a 2010 Weho Award.
Show Run: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Dates: January 4-15th
8:00pm Wednesday Thursdays, & Sundays
3:00pm Sunday Matinees
9:00pm Fridays & Saturdays
Los Angeles THEATER:
Cavern Club Theater inside
Casita Del Campo Restaurant
1920 Hyperion Ave, Los Angeles (Silverlake), CA 90027
Tickets sold at: