Reprise Theatre Company is presenting the "Dream Your Impossible Dream" Contest in conjunction with its upcoming production of "Man of La Mancha" (February 14-March 1, 2009.) "Man of La Mancha" is one of the great international hits of the American musical stage. It had a hit single on the charts - "The Impossible Dream" - one of the most well known songs from any musical. Reprise Theatre Company is now offering the chance for all aspiring singers of this legendary song to turn their dreams into reality.
Starting today (January 13), contestants may submit a recording of themselves singing their best rendition of "The Impossible Dream" (audio or video). Submissions are due by January 26, 2009 to Reprise Theatre Company. The winner will be selected by an open vote on Reprise's website beginning January 27. The winning singer will get a trip to Los Angeles to see the closing performance of "Man of La Mancha" starring Brent Spiner and Julia Migenes on March 1, 2009. (If outside of Los Angeles, air travel will be provided.) The winner will also receive passes to the Closing Night Party, with the opportunity to mingle with the cast and celebrities. as well as a one-night stay at a hotel. In addition, the winner's submission of "The Impossible Dream" will be featured at for one week before the opening of "Man of La Mancha" on February 15."Man of La Mancha" will play at the Freud Playhouse from February 14-March 1 (press opening February 15). Thanks to a partnership grant from The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation, more than 3,300 underserved youth will attend an additional week of free student performances. Single tickets are now available for "Man of La Mancha" online at or through the UCLA Central Ticket Office at 310/825-2101.