This darkly comedic show is written and performed by Alli Miller-Fisher and directed by Tony Award Winner Marissa Jaret Winokur,
See photos from the one woman show ICE CATS at Hollywood Fringe Festival. ICE CATS delves into the profound and often unspoken complexities of losing a parent, particularly a mother.
This darkly comedic show, written and performed by Alli Miller-Fisher and Directed by Tony Award Winner Marissa Jaret Winokur, explores the aftermath of her mother's death, not by focusing on the illness or the act of dying, but on the peculiar and enduring legacies left behind.
As Alli navigates the emotional and physical remnants of her mother's life, she uncovers unexpected "gifts" amidst the clutter of her mother's hoarder houses. These moments, filled with surprise, terror, and a touch of absurdity, form the backbone of her journey through grief. Among the bizarre inheritances is the task of dealing with frozen cats, symbolizing the frozen, unprocessed emotions and memories that emerge in the wake of her mother's passing.
With humor and raw honesty, Alli invites the audience to witness her process of mourning and healing, offering a deeply personal yet universally resonant narrative about love, loss, and the unexpected ways parents continue to shape their children's lives even after they are gone.
ICE CATS is Produced by Alli Miller-Fisher, Michael Shaw Fisher, Chadd McMillan, Sound Design by Thomas Queyja, Lighting/Project Design by Chadd McMillan
*For Legal Purposes Cathy is perfect and was definitely NOT a hoarder.
ICE CATS will be performed as part of The Hollywood Fringe Festival June 7th 7:30PM, June 13th 8:30PM, June 15th 6:30PM, June 21st 8:30PM, June 23rd 2:30PM, June 26th 7:30PM at The Three Clubs 1123 Vine Street Los Angeles, CA 90038. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased for $15 at
Photo Credit: Daniel Sliwa
All Miller-Fisher
All Miller-Fisher
All Miller-Fisher
All Miller-Fisher
All Miller-Fisher
All Miller-Fisher
All Miller-Fisher
All Miller-Fisher
All Miller-Fisher
All Miller-Fisher