"Lincoln 2020," a sharp, interactive political comedy that satirizes our current political situation without ever using the T-word, premiering June 6th as part of the 2019 Hollywood Fringe Festival.
Like a lot of people today, campaign manager Tess Baker is sick of politics. She's just about ready to throw in the towel when somebody wakes up a candidate she can work with - Abraham Lincoln. Will he be a good President in 2020 America? Will he even win? You decide! That's right, the play has two endings and your vote counts!
Tickets are $18 and can be purchased at https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/5843.
Allie Leonard and Tim Kopacz
Allie Leonard, Amandla Bearden, Tim Kopacz, Monique Gelineau, Rebecca Knowles
Rebecca Knowles, Amandla Bearden, Monique Gelineau, Allie Leonard, Tim Kopacz
Rebecca Knowles and Tim Kopacz
Dan Torson, Kristen Cook, Adam Gentzler, Allie Leonard
Dan Torson, Tim Kopacz, and Allie Leonard
Adam Gentzler, Patrick Censoplano, Rebecca Knowles, Monique Gelineau, Amandla Bearden, Allie Leonard, Tim Kopacz
Eric Delgado
Adam Gentzler and Dan Torson