At an elite East Coast university, an ambitious young black student (Jordan Boatman) and her esteemed white professor (Lisa Banes) meet to discuss a paper the college junior is writing about the American Revolution. They're both liberal. They're both women. They're both brilliant. But very quickly, discussions of grammar and Google turn to race and reputation, and before they know it, they're in dangerous territory neither of them had foreseen - and facing stunning implications that can't be undone, threatening to ruin both their lives.
Tickets currently priced at $30.00 - $120.00. Available in person at The Geffen Playhouse box office, by phone at 310.208.5454 or online at Fees may apply.
Rush tickets for each day's performance are made available to the general public 30 minutes before showtime at the box office. $35.00 General / $10.00 Student
Check out photos of the production below:
Photo credit: T. Charles Erickson