TMD PRODUCTIONS is thrilled to present the World Premiere of ELECTRICITY, written by Terry Ray, produced by Michael Darner and directed by Steven Rosenbaum. ELECTRICITY opened on Friday, April 22 at 8pm and run through Sunday, May 22 at the Two Roads Theatre, 4348 Tujunga Blvd. in Studio City. Scroll down to see photos!
In ELECTRICITY, openly gay sex addict Brad hooks up with closeted virgin Gary in a motel room after their 10th high school reunion in 1983. They form an undeniable connection that draws them back to the same motel room once every ten years. As the decades fly by, their lives transform and reflect the changes in society around them from that closeted first night in the 80's to a world where even gay marriage is possible and it's their time to decide. Is their connection over, or is it really just beginning.
Photos by spudtoro