Described as "West Side Story...With Vampires," "Blood Rock: The Musical" will make its world debut on Thursday, September 20th at The Odyssey Theater in West Los Angeles. The new musical, which runs September 20 thru 23, and again September 27 thru 30, tells the story of two rival vampire gangs that have been living secretly in the city of Philadelphia for hundreds of years.
The new play features music and lyrics by Michael Berns, book by Mark Rich and Michael Berns, direction by Gary Thomas, choreography by Kyra Burns, and is being produced by Marlene Mandell. "Blood Rock: The Musical" features a cast of 17 up and coming performers, along with 28 original songs. Set in the modern day era, the show runs two hours with an intermission, and will be presented in The Odyssey's largest theater.
Says producer Mandell, "Our new show is akin to 'West Side Story, but with Vampires, while also paying homage to 'Grease' and 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show.' This show is highly entertaining and a great deal of fun - it's just jam packed with humor and irresistible songs. We're confident that 'Blood Rock' will enthrall audiences of all ages."
Vampire Carnoli's gang is out for blood, literally, while the Blood Rock gang--the "Blood Rockers"-- just want to live peacefully and undetected in present day Philly.
The rival vampire gangs are threatened to be exposed when a young news reporter, Carolin Mills, begins covering the mysterious death of a local archeologist who happens to be the father of an old high school crush, Paul. Her investigation rekindles a relationship with Paul, while at the same time sparks the affection of the evil Carnoli.
As Carolin searches for the truth, the two rival gangs clash in an epic battle over love and the Vampire way of life.