Deck the halls with guacamole! Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la! 'Tis the season to be jolly! If you think your holidays with relatives were dramatic, then fasten your seat belts for a new holiday entertainment coming your way! Family Christmas stories of holidays past will come to life as the Latino Theater Company (LTC), operators of the Los Angeles Theatre Center (LATC) present THE LATINA CHRISTMAS SPECIAL created by Diana Yanez, written by and starring critically acclaimed Latina comediennes Diana Yanez, Sandra Valls and Maria Russell under the direction of Geoffrey Rivas, to be presented at the Los Angeles Theater Center, 514 South Spring Street (between West Fifth Street and West Sixth Street - Historic Core/Downtown LA), Los Angeles, CA 90013. Discounted previews will be presented tonight and tomorrow, November 19 and 20, 2015. The play will have a Five-Week from November 21 (Press Opening Night) - December 20, 2015. BroadwayWorld has a sneak peek at the stars below!
In THE LATINA CHRISTMAS SPECIAL three first generation Latinas get together to dish about everything from moms to cucarachas to Farrah Fawcett in a no holds barred evening holiday soirée as they relive some of their very personal Christmas stories (and fantasies) of holidays past shared with families and loved ones. The show is a series of holiday memories told through the eyes of three comedic actresses: Diana Yanez, a Cuban American from Miami (of Hollywood; Margaret Cho's The Sensuous Woman), Sandra Valls, a Mexican American from Laredo, TX (of Altadena; Showtime's Latin Divas of Comedy), and Maria Russell, the daughter of an over-dedicated Mexican mother and a compliant Lithuanian father (of Studio City; FX's It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) helmed by director Geoffrey Rivas, founding member of LTC (of Culver City; director of the NAACP award-winning solo show Beautiful; selected acting credits include La Bamba, CSI - Las Vegas, TNT's Murder in the First).Please visit for a complete performance schedule and ticket information.
Photo Credit: Kurt Hall
Diana Yanez, creator, actor and co-writer of THE LATINA CHRISTMAS SPECIAL
Sandra Valls, actor and co-writer of THE LATINA CHRISTMAS SPECIAL
Maria Russell, actor and co-writer of THE LATINA CHRISTMAS SPECIAL