The Group Rep presents Lee Blessing's The Winning Streak, directed by Sherry Netherland, produced by Lloyd Pedersen, a funny and moving two-character bittersweet comedy about the need for family in us all, combines drama and baseball to craft a moving tale of a son's search to meet and understand the father he never knew. The production opens August 1, and BroadwayWorld has a first look at the stars in action below!
Omar is a retired umpire set in a narrow, routine life. His habits are interrupted when he's contacted by Ryland, the adult son he never even knew he had. Whether through coincidence or cosmic connection, on the same day that he's contacted by Ryland, Omar's favorite baseball team begins a winning streak. Omar doesn't want the streak to end, and his son wants some answers -- so as they spend time together in pursuit of their goals, their defenses are peeled away and unexpected truths are exposed.
The play features the talents of Lloyd Pedersen and Dan Sykes.
The Winning Streak runs August 1st through August 30th, playing Saturday Matinees at 2:00 PM; Sunday Evenings at 7:00 pm with a Talk Back set for Saturday, August 15 after the matinee at The Lonny Chapman Theatre, located at 10900 Burbank Blvd., North Hollywood 91601. Running Time: 105 minutes, plus one intermission. Appropriate for ages 12 & up. Admission $20. For tickets and more information, visit or (818) 763-5990.
Daniel Sykes (Ryland) and Lloyd Pedersen (Omar)
Lloyd Pedersen (Omar) and Daniel Sykes (Ryland)
Lloyd Pedersen (Omar) and Daniel Sykes (Ryland)
Lloyd Pedersen (Omar) and Daniel Sykes (Ryland)
Lloyd Pedersen (Omar) and Daniel Sykes (Ryland)