According to the history books, the infamous Gunpowder Plot was a conspiracy by England's marginalized Catholics to blow up Protestant King James I and his entire Parliament. Or was it? What if the official story concealed a darker truth? And what if King James had commanded William Shakespeare to write a play -- a "true historie" -- on order to further cement the government's account? These are some of the questions asked in Equivocation, Bill Cain's witty exploration of political power and artistic integrity. Winner of the prestigious 2010 Steinberg/ATCA New Play Award, Equivocation opens on Sept. 5 at Will Geer's Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
Directed by Mike Peebler and starring Ted Barton, Alan Blumenfeld, Dane Oliver, Franc Ross, Taylor Jackson Ross and Paul Turbiak, Equivocation is at once an explosive comedy of ideas and a high-stakes political thriller. In London in the year 1605, a playwright called "Shagspeare" (after a contemporary spelling of the Bard's name) receives a royal commission from King James to write a play promoting the government's version of the Gunpowder Plot, a recent failed attempt to blow up Parliament and the Monarchy. As Shag navigates the dangerous course between writing a lie and losing his soul -- or writing the truth and losing his head -- his devoted theater troupe helps him negotiate each step of the way. This bold new work deftly reveals the cat-and-mouse games of politics and art, and the craft of learning how to speak the truth in difficult times. Galloping at full speed, the play travels from the Globe Theatre to the Tower of London to the halls of Parliament and into the heart of Judith, Shag's young daughter, who finds herself unexpectedly at the center of the political, dramatic and, ultimately, very human mystery.Photo Credit: Ian Flanders
Dane Oliver and Alan Blumenfeld
Alan Blumenfeld and Ted Barton
Alan Blumenfeld, Dane Oliver, Franc Ross
Paul Turbiak and Ted Barton
Paul Turbiak and Dane Oliver
Paul Turbiak and Alan Blumenfeld
Paul Turbiak, Dane Oliver, Franc Ross
Taylor Jackson Ross