Ensemble theatre company Say Yes! Collective presents its inaugural production, Land of the Ice Bears, a world premiere comedy co-produced with the internationally acclaimed Hollywood Fringe Festival. This biting exploration of sibling turmoil features a script by Jacob Cribbs, and is directed by Rob Adler. The world premiere of Land of the Ice Bears will be presented at the Stephanie Feury Studio Theatre, 5636 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, for three performances only, June 8, 14, 18, 2015.
Land of the Ice Bears is set in a surreal world where art and language collide, where words are weapons. On a scorching summer afternoon in Virginia, high society siblings Mason and Madeline break away from their brother's wedding party. To escape the mundane, they dive into the magical realm of their innermost dreams. But when a sensitive debate goes too far, the party takes a drastic turn as secrets are challenged, and the pair is forced to examine lingering questions about their relationship and the future.
The world premiere of Land of the Ice Bears features a script by emerging New York playwright Jacob Cribbs, whose work has been featured on regional stages throughout the United States, including The Barrow Group, Theatre For a New City, Shakespeare Santa Cruz, Crooke Theatre Company, Market Street Theater and Live Oak Theatre.
Land of the Ice Bears features direction by Hollywood Fringe Festival newcomer Rob Adler, an on-camera coach for Lionsgate, Disney, FOX, NBC and ABC, and a faculty member of the USC School of Dramatic Arts. The founder of AdlerImprov Studio in Hollywood, Adler has taught at CalArts, The Geffen Playhouse, American Music & Dramatic Academy, Boston University, Occidental College and internationally in Tokyo, Johannesburg, and The Bahamas. In 2013, Adler directed his first film iVOTE starring Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts, and Emmy Award winners Dan Lauria and Sharon Lawrence.
Land of the Ice Bears boasts an all-star cast headed by Shashona Brooks and Royce Johnson. A Hollywood Fringe Festival veteran, Brooks' recent Los Angeles credits include: Romeo and Juliet and Boys' Life (Young Actors Ensemble) and The Nina Variations (Will Play For Food Theatre Group). Brooks' regional theatre credits include: The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (Stage 773), and three seasons as a company member of Shakespeare Santa Cruz. On-camera, Brooks' credits include multiple films with the Los Angeles-based production company, Finite Films. Johnson's recent Los Angeles credits include: Peter Pan - The Boy Who Hated Mothers (The Blank), the Ovation Award-winning A Wrinkle In Time (Lewis Playhouse), What's Wrong With Angry (Celebration Theater), and Melodrama! (ZJU). Johnson's television work includes: "Chuck" (NBC), "Criminal Minds" (CBS) and "Hannah Montana" (Disney).