Falcon Theatre presents Troubadour Theater Company's ABBAMEMO, directed by Matt Walker. Join us for a hysterical musical reimagining of the classic Greek tragedy Agamemnon, the sordid story of seduction and scheming, with the sweet Swedish sounds of the Seventies. Check out the opening night photos below!
In this irreverent Dancing Queen-filled romp, the Ovation Award-winning Troubadour Theater Company brings the noise, the funk, and the dysfunctional-family vibe to this masterwork of the Greek canon. Why does Cassandra's S.O.S. plea to Take a Chance on Me fall on the deaf ears of the Elder Chorus? Will Clytemnestra's plan to kill Agamemnon come to fruition and will The Winner Take All? Will the Watchman ever get to sleep and say I Have a Dream? Will Aegisthus be able to pronounce his own name at Waterloo? Bloody and bold, fierce and funny, this production by the masters of mayhem is sure to entertain and enlighten.For more information, call or visit: (818) 955-8101 or FalconTheatre.com
Photo Credit: Lily Lim
Jason Turner, Mike Sulprizio, and Joseph Keane
Jason Turner, Mike Sulprizio, and Joseph Keane
Jason Turner, Mike Sulprizio, and Joseph Keane
Joseph Keane, Suzanne Jolie, Rob Nagle, Patrick Toth, Mike Sulprizio, Matt Walker, Monica Schneider, Rick Batalia, Katherine Donahoe, Jennifer De Minco, Jason Turner, and Darrin Revitz
Joseph Keane, Suzanne Jolie, Rob Nagle, Patrick Toth, Mike Sulprizio, Matt Walker, Monica Schneider, Rick Batalla, Katherine Donahoe, Jennifer De Minco, Jason Turner, and Darrin Revitz
Joseph Keane, Suzanne Jolie, Rob Nagle, Patrick Toth, Mike Sulprizio, Matt Walker, Monica Schneider, Rick Batalla, Katherine Donahoe, Jennifer De Minco, Jason Turner, and Darrin Revitz
Patrick Toth, Mike Sulprizio, Matt Walker, Monica Schneider, and Rick Batalla
Katherine Donahoe, Jennifer De Minco, Jason Turner, and Darrin Revitz
Suzanne Jolie, Rob Nagle, Patrick Toth, and Mike Sulprizio
Rob Nagle, Patrick Toth, Mike Sulprizio, and Matt Walker
Joseph Keane and Suzanne Jolie
Monica Schneider, Rick Batalla, and Darrin Revitz
Darrin Revitz, Jason Turner, Monica Schneider, and Rick Batalla
Joren Maure Garcia, Joseph Keane, and friend
Garry Marshall, Barbara Marshall, and Rob Nagle
Lisa Valenzuela and Rick Batalla
Braelin Batalla, Sheri Lynn Batalla, Rick Batalla, and Shryel Batalla
Scott Spock and Katherine Donahoe
Katherine Donahoe and Don Grigware
Joren Maure Garcia and Panda
Beth Kennedy, Panda, and Joren Maure Garcia
Joren Maure Garcia and Panda
Suzanne Jolie and Panda
Annika Marks and Rob Nagle
Rob Nagle, Steven Stanley, and Annika Marks
Katherine Donahoe and Garry Marshall
Jason Turner, Don Grigware, and friend
Lisa Valenzuela, Monica Schneider, and Susan McCourt
Gillian O'Neal, Dink O'Neal, Beth Kennedy, and Marissa Ingrasci
Matt Walker and Lisa Valenzuela
Matt Walker and Lisa Valenzuela
Rick Batalia and Sheri Lynn Batalla
Rob Nagle, Darrin Revitz, and Jason Turner
Suzanne Jolie and Garry Marshall
Jason Turner, Suzanne Jolie, and Garry Marshall
Suzanne Jolie and Kathleen Marshall La Gambina
Darrin Revitz, Monica Schneider, and Marissa Ingrasci
Monica Schneider and Matt Walker
Monica Schneider and Matt Walker
Monica Schneider, Steven Stanley, Joseph Keane, and Lily Lim
Matt Walker, Evan Arnold, Panda, and Joren Maure Garcia
Joren Maure Garcia, Matt Walker, Panda, and Beth Kennedy
The Troubies
The Troubies
The Troubies
The Troubies
The Troubies
The Troubies
The Troubies
Jennifer De Minco and Katharine Donahoe
Matt Walker, Panda, and Suzanne Jolie
Evan Arnold, AnnaLea Rawicz Arnold, and Danielle Thorpe