Theatre of NOTE opens its 2018 season with its production of YEAR OF THE ROOSTER, by Olivia Dufault and directed by McKerrin Kelly. YEAR OF THE ROOSTER will preview Friday and Saturday, February 16 and 17 at 8pm, and will open on Thursday, February 22 at 8pm and run through Saturday, March 24 at Theatre of NOTE, 1517 N Cahuenga Blvd (just north of Sunset) in Hollywood.
Gil is a loser. He works at McDonald's, lives with his ailing mother, and hasn't had a girlfriend since...ever. But that's all about to change. He's been secretly training (and drugging) a rooster to fight. And Odysseus Rex (aka Odie) is the baddest barnyard bird there is. Gil has so much faith in Odie's abilities that he bets everything on him -- but victory and revenge may not yield the delicious spoils he anticipates. A fiercely comic play about cockfighting, connections, and clawing your way to the top.
YEAR OF THE ROOSTER will preview on Friday and Saturday, February 16 and 17 at 8pm, and will open on Thursday, February 22 at 8pm. It runs through Saturday, March 24 at Theatre of NOTE, 1517 N Cahuenga Blvd (just north of Sunset) in Hollywood.
Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 7pm. Ticket prices are $25; seniors $20 and students $15. For tickets and details, please call 323-856-8611, or visit to purchase tickets online and to view the complete schedule.
Photo Credit: Darrett Sanders