Parson's Nose Theater (PNT), the acclaimed classical comedic theater company, presents their annual reading of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, opening Saturday, December 9th. Adapted by Artistic Director, Lance Davis, this 90-minute performance is presented as a part of the theater's Readers' Theater Series.
"I've tried to highlight the marvelous descriptions Dickens gives us," says Davis. "We usually miss it in productions. That stuff we skipped over in high school, but now have time to savor. His description of Scrooge's house, so lonely, as if it had gotten lost while playing hide and seek with all the other houses; of the bustling of the grocer's shops, and the crisp snow-covered evening; all told with his genius, a celebration of the English language. He makes you feel like roasting chestnuts, right here in Pasadena."
The PNT adaptation of A Christmas Carol will combine narration of Dickens' original text with performed dialogue by favorite Parson's Nose Company Members. After the readings, audience members are invited to enjoy a glass of cheer with the PNT Company.
Parson's Nose Theater's 2017-18 Season continues with A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, December 9th-17th, 2017. Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 3pm
Parson's Nose Theater performs at The Parson's Nose Abbey located at 95 N. Marengo Ave., Ste. 110, Pasadena, CA 91101.
Parson's Nose Theater presents A Christmas Carol as part of their Readers' Theater Series. Readers' Theater Series productions are rehearsed staged readings, omitting props and set pieces, to carry the audience through story by means of language and acting. Tickets are $20 for Adults, $15 for Seniors, $10 for students and reservations may be made online at or by calling 626-403-7667.