Parson's Nose Theater (PNT), the acclaimed classical comedy theater company led by Artistic Director, Lance Davis, announces their 2018-19 Season.
Welcome to PNT's 18th Season, second at The Abbey - the restored 1911 Marston/Van Pelt chapel one block from Pasadena City Hall.
"Good Lord, we need a laugh!" says Davis. "We're offering 90-minute, non-political oases of humor and thought in a time when they're badly needed. Art Night Pasadena on October 12 kicks us off with Radio Classics Flash Gordon, The Lone Ranger, and The Romance of Helen Trent; followed by a new play, Mark Twain and Friends: A River Journey by Los Angeles actor/playwright Greg White, sponsored in part by the City of Pasadena Cultural Affairs Department. In December, we have our special readings of Dickens' A Christmas Carol and then we kick off the New Year with Carlo Goldoni's Italian farce, The Servant of Two Masters. In March we reignite our "Irish Celebration" readers' theater event. And in May we finish the season with Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice starring Pasadena's own Barry Gordon.
"We'll be continuing our community outreach with workshops for the old and young, and we have a few surprise events planned for those who take advantage of our new subscribers program.
"We're a professional company presenting classic comedies in under 90 minutes, with a glass of wine in an intimate, historic setting. If the word 'classic' scares you...try us."
New this season, Parson's Nose is implementing "5 Play" and "3 Play" subscriptions, offering savings of up to 20% off the cost of single ticket prices. Subscribers will also received additional benefits throughout the season. For subscriptions and tickets, visit online at or call (626) 403-7667. Parson's Nose Theater is located 2 blocks from Pasadena City Hall at 95 N. Marengo Avenue, Ste. 110, Pasadena, CA 91101. The entrance to the theater is on Holly St.
Parson's Nose Theater's 2018-2019 Season:
Mark Twain and Friends: A River Journey by Greg White
Major Production
Preview: October 19, 2018
Runs: October 20 - November 18, 2018
Mark Twain returns from The Beyond to remind us of Huck, Pap, The Blue Jay Woman, Bixby the steamboat pilot, the Limburger Coffin, and why he is our greatest American storyteller.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Readers' Theater Series
Performs: December 15-16 & 22-23, 2018
Parson's Nose's annual celebration of the English language when we revel in Dickens' own words.
The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni
Major Production
Preview: February 8, 2019
Runs: February 9 - March 10, 2019
Venezia, 1750. "The Italian Molière" tells the farcical tale of Truffaldino, who takes on two masters at the same time. It's a tale of murder, disguise, passion, and a sandwich.
Irish Celebration
Readers' Theater Series
Performs: March 16-17
Irish poetry, music, and humor in honor of St. Paddy's Day.
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
Major Production
Preview: May 3, 2019
Runs: May 4 - June 2, 2019
Bassanio must borrow money to woo the Countess Portia. He turns to his "Christian" friend, Antonio, who turns to his enemy, Shylock "the Jew". The fee? "A pound of flesh." Surely, it will never have to be paid...
About Parson's Nose Theater
Parson's Nose Theater is a professional, critically acclaimed, not-for-profit, 501(c)3 theater organization dedicated to "introducing classic theater to contemporary audiences." We emphasize language, story and actor, in the broad-stroke tradition of the Italian "commedia dell arte," preparing audiences for future, full-length productions of the world's finest classical works. Our company of actors, directors, and designers with credits including Broadway, film, and television, is among the finest in Los Angeles. In our fifteen seasons, we have introduced classical comedies to over 70,000 Angelenos.
Photo: Aiden Rees, James Calvert in The Government Inspector 2017