A hotel ballroom outside of Cleveland, Ohio is the setting for the International GlamaGore ScreamiCon, an annual convention for fans, collectors and celebrities of the direct-to-video B-movie horror film genre. The special guests this year are six of the sexiest and most popular actresses in the business – collectively known as the SCREAM QUEENS. From young newbie Tonya to ringleader Richelle, lovable Bianca to trashy DeeDee, level-headed Alexis to seasoned grand dame Nadine, the Queens strut their stuff during a 90-minute musical revue they have written themselves for the ScreamiCon fans. They sing, dance, clown and tease, taking us on a hilarious journey through their lives and careers as celebrity hopefuls and cult sex symbols.
During the show, the Queens read and answer several fan letters, present a “Lifetime Achievement Award” to their favorite horror film personality, and involve the audience in a “screaming contest” and an improvised “Q &A” session. They also present their “demo reels,” brief video highlights from their most popular no-budget creature features with ridiculous scripts, rubbery monsters and gooey “special FX” in which they sing, they dance, they die! And a good time is had by all.
Featured in the cast are Azeen Kazemi, Amanda Majkrzak, Alison Mattiza, Victoria Miller, Jennifer Richardson, and Susan Goldman Weisbarth.
Tickets are $23.00 with a $2.00 discount for seniors, students, and servicemen. To purchase tickets, please call (310) 645-5156 during box office hours, Tuesday through Saturday from 4-7 PM. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express accepted, with a $1.50 convenience fee added per ticket charged to a credit card. You may also purchase tickets online at www.kentwoodplayers.org. For group ticket sales, please call the box office.