This year, nearly 250 pieces of artwork from Orange County students in grades pre-kindergarten to 12th are featured in the Junior Arts Exhibit.
On Sunday, August 13th, the Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach celebrated the talent and hard work of Orange County students at the annual Junior Art Awards Ceremony. This year, nearly 250 pieces of artwork from Orange County students in grades pre-kindergarten to 12th are featured in the Junior Arts Exhibit. The 2023 Junior Art Exhibit is sponsored in part by California First Leasing Corporation, Mark Porterfield of Laguna Beach and a grant from the FOA Foundation.
During the awards ceremony, the 2023 Junior Art Exhibit winners were acknowledged, honored, and presented with gold, silver, and bronze medallions and certificates of achievement. A jury made up of Laguna Beach residents Mark Porterfield and Steve Chadima, Gayleen Beyers with California First Leasing Corporation, and Kirsten Whalen from the FOA Foundation selected the winners. Awards were given in the categories of 2D art and 3D art. NEW for this year, the Festival of Arts exhibited animation works from Orange County students and awarded the first-ever winners in this new category. The ceremony also included the presentation of various honorable mentions chosen by Junior Art Coordinator Nikita Young, a Directors Award handpicked by Festival of Arts Exhibits Director Christine Georgantas, and special acknowledgment for students whose artwork was chosen to be featured on the 2023 Junior Art postcards.
“Thank you for coming today. I’m thrilled to have you all here to celebrate the incredible talents of these young artists,” shared Festival of Arts President David Perry during his welcome speech. “These artworks were picked from many entries sent by schools in Orange County. The Junior Art Exhibit is always impressive, with unique art and new talents. Parents, feel proud of your kids and what they've done.”
Mark Porterfield of Laguna Beach and FOA Foundation board member Kirsten Whalen assisted in distributing the awards in front of the friends, family members, and art instructors who turned out to support and congratulate the recipients of the Junior Art Awards. Perry also recognized the art teachers for inspiring these young artists.
Since its inception in 1947, the Junior Art Exhibit has come to be regarded as one of the highlights of the summer show. Selected by art authorities from thousands of submissions representing schools throughout Orange County, works by over 250 students (PK-12) are on display in the Junior Art Gallery. For over 70 years, the exhibit has become not only a showcase for new generations of young Orange County student artists, but also a vivid testimonial to the value and importance of continuing arts education in our school systems.
The 76th Annual Junior Art Exhibit is produced in partnership with the OC Department of Education and Arts OC. The Festival of Arts is a nonprofit organization. Proceeds support the arts and art education in and about Laguna Beach.
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