The show will take place on September 24th at 5:30pm pst.
Online storytelling show It's Personal: WTF will be taking place on Thursday, September 24th at 5:30pm pst. They know what you are thinking, "Another online theatre show... What's the big deal?" It's Personal is nothing like you have seen before. They are a group of solo performers that share true stories with a twist! On the fourth Thursday of every month they have a new theme and this month is WTF. They will make you laugh, cry, and most importantly relate!
Who: It's Personal: WTF
What: This time, we are all saying, "WTF?" If you don't know what WTF means, google it. From sexy stories to Tom Cruise, they cover it all.
Where: Youtube Live - Click Here
When: Thursday, September 24th at 5:30pm pst
Why: They do this to bring a group of people together to relate to one another. Human connection is needed now more than ever. Every show they raise money to charity that is local to them. They are excited to be giving 25% of their total ticket proceeds to Fair Fight. Fair Fight 2020 is building voter protection teams with Democratic state parties or local allies across the country to protect the right to vote.
Tickets are pay what you can.