"Mother's Mothers' Day" is a one-woman musical about Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mothers' Day, who spent the rest of her life trying to destroy the holiday because of its over-commercialization. She spent her last days in an asylum.
The music is by beloved American composer Amy Beach, with book and lyrics by Scott Guy, written as a tour-de-force for NMI's Artistic Director Elise Dewsberry.
There are TWO works of art to enjoy here:
1. Come see the one-and-only performance at the Hollywood Fringe Festival on June 26th at 3:00PM. 2. Buy the album of songs which Anna's mother (Ann Reeves Jarvis) has recorded to raise funds for New Musicals Inc. (Note: these are 19th-century artsongs by American composer Amy Beach; this is not a cast album of the musical "Mother's Mothers' Day".)For more info, and to buy tickets and/or the album, VISIT OUR FUNDRAISER PAGE.