Neighborhood Watch follows the actions of Elsa Wrightrain as she struggles to maintain order in her longtime neighborhood.
The one-woman one-act play, written and performed by comedian Lisa Pedace, has been called "a laugh-a-minute comedy," by The San Diego Union-Tribune. Neighborhood Watch makes its Los Angeles premier as part of the Hollywood Fringe Festival on June 8th at the Underground Annex - 1308 N. Wilton Place, Los Angeles, CA 92008.
The show has previously been performed at the San Diego International Fringe, and Rogue Fringe Festival in Fresno where it won the Sold-Out Award.
Underground Annex Theater, 1308 N. Wilton Place, Los Angeles, CA 92008. TICKET PRICE: $12.00 - Admission age: 14+.
Neighborhood Watch returns to the San Diego International Fringe Festival this year for a second run and will premier at the Boulder Fringe Festival in Boulder, Colorado this August.