Based on the Academy Award-winning film The Apartment, PROMISES, PROMISES tells the story of Chuck Baxter, a charming young employee at Consolidated Life. In order to advance at the company Chuck lends executives the key to his apartment for use in their extramarital affairs. Conflict occurs when Chuck Realizes that the object of his own affection, a waitress at the company restaurant, might be one of his boss' regular guests. PROMISES, PROMISES is hilarious, romantic and heartbreaking with a groundbreaking pop score.
Leading the cast are Musical Theatre Guild company members Will Collyer (Chuck) Shannon Warne (Fran), Kevin Symons (Sheldrake), Leslie Stevens (Marge) and Scott Harlan (Doctor). Additional MTG company members in the cast include David Holmes, Kim Huber, Ashley Fox Linton, Jeffrey Scott Parsons and Glenn Rosenblum, with guest artists Kelly Dorney, Jeff Markle, Tom McMahon, Dana Mellor, Wendy Rosoff, Taylor Simmons and Adam von Almen. PROMISES, PROMISES will be directed by Richard Israel with musical direction by Jennifer Lin and choreography by John Todd, and is under the production supervision of Eileen Barnett.
PROMISES, PROMISES premiered in 1968 starring Jerry Orbach and Jill O'Hara and ran for 1,281 performances, winning three Tony Awards and the Grammy for best cast album. A 2001 Broadway revival ran 291 performances and starred Sean Hayes and Kristen Chenoweth.
The Musical Theatre Guild season continues with THE SPITFIRE GRILL (November 13, 2016), HALLELUJAH, BABY! (February 12, 2017) and STATE FAIR (May 7, 2017).
The Alex Theatre is located at 216 N. Brand Blvd in downtown Glendale, CA. Season and single tickets are available by visiting or by calling 818-243-ALEX. Additional information on MTG can be found at