A world premiere written and directed by Mirror Theater Company co-artistic director Trace Oakley, HIGH SCHOOL GHOST STORY is the tale of students rehearsing a spooky play, while being haunted by spirits of productions past and by all matter of specters, apparitions and phantoms who linger long after the final bell rings. The play within the play is "The Blackwood Ghostlight," about an old haunted theater, and the grisly series of murders carried out by the theater's lead actress. The casting of the lead sends shock waves through the student body: a girl no-one knows; an outcast so friendless, she's practically invisible. As the students come to terms with the underdog invading their territory, the production is constantly threatened by forces that don't want the show to go on. The terrifying climax will leave audiences chilled to the bone.
The cast includes Heather Boothby, as Annabelle Singleton, the outcast-turned-lead actress, and Mirror Theater Company veteran Len Smith as the teacher who makes the controversial casting choice. Also appearing are Jonathan Alluni, Jessica Bryden, George Capacete, Sigi Gradwohl, Ray Grate, Elise Kerr, Dan Kohl, Simon Lees, Elyse Noelle, Bradley Orok, Molly Pietrowski, AnnaLesa Rizzolo, Brian Spengel, Michelle Talley and Averi Quinn Yorek.Tickets are $20 and may be purchased at the door or online.