Many Trump Refugees in One Body, written by Lyralen Kaye, SAG/AFTRA, AEA, directed by Caitlin Inglis, is the story of an over-achieving multiple's struggles to claim a new country. The story opens on election night, November 8, 2016, and moves quickly to Kaye's decision to immigrate...on November 9! Opens June 7, 2018, at the Broadwater Studio Theater, 1078 Lillian Way, Hollywood, CA 90038.
This solo show takes the audience into the experience of immigration and the frantic dance of trying to convince officials you're worthy to cross the border...permanently.
As her much-loved and change resistant partner throws up roadblocks, as immigration questions and demands throw her into frantic posturing about whether or not to tell the truth about her multiplicity, as her personalities argue with each other about when and how to leave, as she (and they) find a safety in Canada that the US sorely lacks, Kaye takes the audience deeply inside her own experience of being "an overly credentialed multicultural activist (gluten free)" and a woman with a diagnosis that immigration lawyers are concerned might 'mean going through a medical interview that you really don't need.'" Through a combination of physical theater, storytelling, and stand-up comedy, she lays it all on the line. "This is the time for being transparent because there's no other way to bring people together." She grins. "Except for making them laugh. And I plan to do that, too."
WHERE: The Broadwater Studio Theater - 1078 Lillian Way, Hollywood, CA 90038
$12, $10 for students and seniors
For general information, high-resolution photos or if you're interested in interviewing Lyralen email or call 617-939-4846.
Appropriate for ages 18+
Dave Flanagan, playwright, and producer, Boston, MA: "The show is ostensibly about running away from Donald Trump, which a lot of us wanted to do, but in this crazy process Lyralen learns some deeper truths about herself. I think it's a show that resonates or should resonate with everybody."
Richard Schwartz, Ph.D., Founder, Internal Family Systems and Pixar consultant: "In this delightful and courageous play, Lyralen Kaye not only reveals her own multiplicity but provides an example of how multiplicity can be healthy and hilarious."
Lyralen Kaye (writer) Has won many writing awards, ( including the Meryl Streep Writers Lab, the Stanley and Eleanor Lipkin Prize in Playwriting, the Moth Story Slam (in October), the Doyle story slam (in November) and multiple poetry slams. She has a Pushcart nomination in fiction. In February, she was named a semi-finalist in the Black List Women in Film Award.
In her 30 years of social justice and arts activism, Lyralen Kaye has testified before judiciary committees for women's rights, organized protests, worked professionally as a community liaison for low income women and girls, taught the disabled life skills, given speeches about gay marriage, raised money for people with AIDS, managed tutoring programs for failing inner city schools and run a multicultural and diverse theater company. She did all this in between winning writing awards and acting in film and theater.
She is, in a word, a go-getter. She also has multiple personalities. This was the best-kept secret of Lyralen's professional life, and it wasn't until she applied to immigrate to Canada, and faced the invasiveness of immigration questions, that it became an issue. Suddenly, after fighting for the dignity of every human being, she became human capital, judged as worthy or unworthy as much for her diagnosis as for her achievements. This made her freak out a little. Because she wanted to move to Canada VERY badly.
Photo Credit: Marc Ewart