A group of elders who attend the Center will write and share their personal stories.
Los Angeles Women's Theatre Festival (LAWTF) returns to live theatre for the first time since the pandemic began in 2020 by celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Culver City Senior Center with a special presentation from seniors of the Culver City Senior Center. A group of elders who attend the Center will write and share their personal stories.
This 6-week storytelling program, taught by teaching artist, Clarinda Ross, will culminate in diverse presentations by its multicultural participants. Audience members will be able to participate in a Q&A session with the storytellers following the program. A reception will follow.
The Culver City Senior Center is located at 4095 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232.
This program will take place Sunday, October 16th at 2pm. Tickets are $10.00 . Culver City residents and all seniors 65 or older will be able to receive discounted tickets. E-mail lawtfspotlight@yahoo.com with proof of residence or age. For tickets and more information, visit www.lawtf.org.
This program is made possible in part by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission, with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment and the Culver City Arts Foundation.