Little Fish Theatre has announced the opening of the eighth show of its 2013 season: ROUNDING THIRD, by Richard Dresser. Two fathers who couldn't be more different share hilarious philosophies of life and baseball while partnering to coach their kids' team.
A lighthearted look behind the scenes of the "high-stakes" world of little league, ROUNDING THIRD lets us enjoy the mis-match between these two fathers as we eavesdrop on their coaching experience over the course of a baseball season.
ROUNDING THIRD will star Garrett Replogle and Brantley Black as the men who dedicate nights and weekends to teaching America's greatest pastime to the next generation. "Dresser uses these conversations to examine the relationship-building process between men," notes director Bert Pigg. "These two unique characters are rich with appealing quirks that make them enormously enjoyable to watch together." Bert has directed several productions at LITTLE FISH THEATRE in past seasons, including LOOT and BETRAYAL, which earned LA Stage Awards.
The play will run Wednesdays and Thursdays, today, August 7 and continuing August 8, 21 and 22 at 8pm. Weekend performances will be presented Friday August 16 and Saturday August 17 at 8pm. A Sunday matinee is scheduled for 2pm on August 11, after which the creative team will be available for 10 to 15 minutes for post-show discussion with the audience.
Founded in 2002, Little Fish Theatre presents classic and contemporary plays in an intimate setting on Centre Street in downtown San Pedro. Producing eleven plays each year for a one-room 65-seat venue, Little Fish delivers the quintessential close-up theatrical experience, where audience and performers share space and sight-lines, making for eruptive laughter, highly-charged action and palpable emotion.