Los Angeles Performance Practice presents its annual LAX Festival, which serves as a highly visible platform that supports hundreds of local artists each year, and reaches thousands of audience members in the greater Los Angeles area. The Los Angeles Exchange [LAX] Festival, 6th Ed. will run for ten days from Thursday, October 11 through Sunday, October 21, 2018 at participating venues around town. With performances and events that are geographically focused in and around Downtown L.A., the festival program hosts an eclectic array of contemporary performances by Los Angeles-based artists, presented in dialogue with works by guest artists from outside the city's limits. The 2018 LAX Festival is built on an exchange with artists, curators, and organizations in Philadelphia. Festival passes are $125, individual tickets for performances and events are $20.
For more information, please visit https://performancepractice.la/festival. To purchase passes or tickets, please visit https://performancepractice.la/festival/tickets.
Beginning with last year's 5th anniversary edition, Los Angeles Performance Practice focuses each festival on an exchange platform with a specific city, thereby engaging artists, curators and organizations in performance presentations, dialogues and artist-to-artist interactions that are designed to cultivate mutual inquiry and long-term network development.
There are a number of ways to view the festival schedule:
• Events Arranged by Date - https://performancepractice.la/festival/schedule
• Events Arranged by Venue - https://performancepractice.la/festival/venues (see this order below)
• Events Arranged by Image - https://performancepractice.la/festival
The Los Angeles Exchange [LAX] Festival, 6th Ed. is made possible with support from the National Endowment for the Arts, Center Theatre Group, City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, Los Angeles County Arts Commission and Western States Arts Federation, along with generous individual donors. Additional support provided through partnerships with Automata Arts, Bootleg Theater, Los Angeles Theatre Center and Think Tank Gallery.