Purchase of the recording includes access to a Zoom interview with writer/performer Sigüenza.
L.A. Theatre Works is releasing a state-of-the-art audio theater recording of A Weekend with Pablo Picasso to coincide with the April 26 anniversary of the 1937 bombing of Guernica, the inspiration for what is perhaps Picasso's most famous painting. Written and performed by Herbert Sigüenza, best known for his acting work with performance troupe Culture Clash, this one-man tour-de-force based on Picasso's writings is directed for audio by Rosalind Ayres.
A Weekend with Pablo Picasso invites the listening audience into Picasso's private studio for an intimate and revealing weekend as he prepares to deliver six new works to a buyer on Monday morning. "When L.A. Theatre Works first approached me about recording it, we wondered how we were going to translate the play to audio because it's such a visual piece," says Sigüenza. "But now that I've heard it, it's beautiful, it's just so beautiful. They did a great job with the audio and the Foley, and the philosophy of Picasso is so profound that you don't need to see what he's painting, you just have to hear what he's talking about." The recording of A Weekend with Pablo Picasso is now available for purchase for $20 at https://latw.org/digital-season. Purchase of the recording includes access to a Zoom interview with writer/performer Sigüenza.Videos