The series begins its second season Friday, February 19, 2021, and continues biweekly through May 14, 2021.
SOUND/STAGE, the Los Angeles Philharmonic's series of online concerts and conversations, begins its second season Friday, February 19, 2021, and continues biweekly through May 14, 2021.
Hosted by LA Phil Music & Artistic Director Gustavo Dudamel, the second season of SOUND/STAGE offers seven episodes featuring a wide range of orchestral and non-orchestral artists. The musical performances are complemented by Dudamel's exploration of the program themes through special segments and interviews.
As with the first season, each concert is accompanied by artist-curated playlists, program notes and behind-the-scenes content to provide context to the individual music selections and broader concert themes. Contributors and content to be announced.
The second season of the SOUND/STAGE series will be available online at
All SOUND/STAGE performances were filmed outdoors at the Hollywood Bowl under strict adherence to public health guidelines, with all performers maintaining social distance.