Nili Kook and Rebecca Kook, the widow and daughter of Hillel Kook, will attend the 2 pm matinee of The Accomplices on Sunday, August 3 and participate in a talk-back with the audience following the performance at The Fountain Theatre.
Hillel Kook, aka Peter Bergson, is the subject of The Accomplices, a New York Drama Desk-nominated play by former New York Times reporter Bernard Weinraub that is curRent_6862">Rently receiving its West Coast premiere at The Fountain.In 1940, Kook arrived in the U.S. fresh from the underground resistance in Palestine. Changing his name to Peter Bergson, he sought aid for the rescue of European Jews from the Nazis. Shocked to find himself blocked by both the Roosevelt administration and the Jewish establishment, Bergson spearheaded an extraordinary campaign of public rallies, hard-hitting newspaper advertisements and lobbying in Congress that forced America to confront the Holocaust.Documentarian Rick Trank, whose work on Peter Bergson and the Kook family is being sponsored by the Museum of Tolerance, will film footage of the Kook family, three minutes of the performance, and the talk back.Videos