As a musical interlude, Arts in review introduces Latin jazz/pop singer Julia Vari. Macha Theatre Company revives its 2007 production of Skin of Honey, a forbidden lesbian love story set in the political upheaval of Castro's Cuba where improper conduct is a crime punished with imprisonment or with your own life. In 1961, two teenagers are torn apart by the Bay of Pigs invasion into Cuba only to be reunited again after twenty years of separation. Skin of Honey features Odalys Nanin, Julia Vari, Katarina Radivojevic, Omnia Bixler, Alexandra Evankovich, Andres Mejia Vallejo, Bayardo de Murguia, Eddy G. Munoz, Joseph Arzuaga and Dennis Delsing.
Arts in Review is broadcast live from the studios of KPFK, Pacifica Radio for Southern California, heard on 90.7FM (Los Angeles), 98.7FM (Santa Barbara), 99.5FM (Ridgecreat/China Lake) and worldwide in real time, podcast over
Photo by Chris Hume