A celestial romance and true story of discovery, this riveting new play explores the life and career of Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868-1921) as she fearlessly asserts herself in the male-dominated world of early astronomy. Hired by the Harvard Observatory as a human "computer" to catalog the stars, Henrietta's story plays out against a landscape of early feminism and universe-revealing science, reminding us all what we can achieve when we allow curiosity and wonder into our lives. Runs Aug. 23 through Sept. 10, Thursdays, Fridays and, Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m.. International City Theatre in the Long Beach Performing Arts Center, 330 E. Seaside Way, Long Beach, CA 90802. For tickets and info call (562) 436-4610 or go to InternationalCityTheatre.org.
Now in their 31st year, ICT performs a five-play season and runs six community and educational outreach programs. ICT has received over 350 prestigious awards for excellence in professional theatre. The City Council of Long Beach officially and unanimously recognized ICT as the resident professional theatre company of Long Beach. The New York Times cited ICT as an innovative theatre in 1992. The Los Angeles Times named ICT one of the top 10 theatres in Southern California in 1997 and in 2000 ICT received the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle's Award for Sustained Excellence in the Theatre. Most recently ICT received the Workforce Diversity Best Practices Award from the Chamber of Commerce.