Troy Duffy is a charismatic American film director, screen writer and musician, born and raised on the East Coast. He is a maverick who has cut a swashbuckling path through Hollywood. His films Boondock Saints and Boondock Saints II have a global cult following of fans eagerly awaiting Boondock Saints III. Duffy also serves as a film board member of
"HOLLYWOOD SPEAKS AT THE ADLER-LA" is an on-going series that is open to the public and is part of The Stella Adler Academy & Theatre Outreach Program. Stella Adler Academy & Theatre is a non-profit organization.
HOLLYWOOD SPEAKS At THE ADLER-LA, will be a monthly on-going series with the the next evening scheduled for October 21st, 8:00PM. The Stella Adler Academy & Theatre is located at 6773 Hollywood Blvd., 2nd Floor, Hollywood, CA. 90028.
Admission is Free (100% of All Donations will go to benefit The Stella Adler Academy Scholarship Program.) We recommend you arrive early.