Conceived and directed by Casey Kringlen, the cast features Shaan Dasani, Ryan Leslie Fisher, Suzanne Fortin, Julie Rei Goldstein, Gordon Meacham, Dawn Medina, and Angel Payne, and from last year's critically acclaimed production of The Importance of Being Earnest Bobby Gutierrez, Jeffrey Masters, and Philip Orazio. Lighting design is by Dan Weingarten and the stage manager is Amber Bruegel.
In the Queer Classics version of modern times, Kate and Petruchio might identify as trans*, but the 1950s are a completely different world. In this new and sexy adaptation, the lead lovers explore their expression of gender in a time before there were labels to define it. Queer Classics is dedicated to sharing classic stories re-imagined through a queer lens - art for the LGBTQ community and its supporters. Visit
Tickets for the Encore! Producer's Award performances of Queer Classics' The Taming of the Shrew (An Exploration of Gender Expression) are $15 online and may be obtained at Admission price at the door is $20. The performance running time is 90 minutes.
The Other Space at The Actors Company is located at 916 N. Formosa Avenue in Los Angeles, 90036. Street parking is available.