Known to millions as Carol Brady, Florence Henderson, a multi-talented actress, talk show host, performer, recording artist, author and Broadway veteran, brings her critically acclaimed one-woman production of ALL THE LIVES OF ME...A Musical Journey, under the musical direction of Emmy award-winning Composer Glen Roven, to Los Angeles at Sunset's Catalina Bar & Grill. A crowd pleasing evening with "America's Favorite TV Mom," featuring songs from her starring roles in such Broadway hits as OKLAHOMA, SOUTH PACIFIC, SOUND OF MUSIC and ANNIE GET YOUR GUN. Audiences will be treated to personal anecdotes of a life on the boards of Broadway and the Brady set.
Catalina's Jazz Bar & Grill: 6725 Sunset Blvd Hollywood, CA 90028
WHEN: Fri, Jan 30, Sat, Jan 31 at 8:00pm and Sun, Feb 1. 7:30pm
TICKETS: $30.00 for Friday and Sunday, and $35.00 for Sat night.
Call 323-466-2210 or on-line at
Catalina Bar & Grill is proud to offer the Los Angeles audiences an evening of entertainment with one of America's greatest icons-Miss Florence Henderson. Undisputedly, one of the most outstanding careers on film, in television and on stage, her enthusiasm, professionalism, commitment to quality and artistry, has made Miss Henderson one of the most respected and well-liked performers of our time. She is known worldwide to fans of all ages, as America's favorite mom, Carol Brady, on the classic hit TV series "The Brady Bunch." She was also the first woman ever to host "The Tonight Show" while starring in numerous Broadway hits including the lead role in Fanny, Maria in The Sound of Music, Nellie Forbush in South Pacific, and the starring role of Anna opposite Ricardo Montalban in the production of The King and I. She received the Pop Culture Award from TV Land and the Wall Street Journal rated her #5 out of 10 top television endorsers. She can now be seen as the host of her own national talk show "The Florence Henderson Show" on the RLTV Network. In Nov 2008, Ms. Henderson will be inducted in the Smithsonian Institute as part of the first permanent Entertainment History Exhibit.