Held2gether, Improv for Life brings their 7th annual original sketch comedy show to the Long Beach Playhouse this season as part of their Collaborative Series showcasing local artists. This year's compilation, Sketch on the Rocks, and boasts over a dozen robust sketches touching upon universal relationships, outrageous characters, music, pop culture, and parodies of the time.
Audiences at last year's Sketches 11 were treated to sketches that featured a Bohemian Rhapsody parody at Weight Watchers, a hospital room reality show, and a tampon fighting in the Civil War (yes, you read that correctly).
Sketch on the Rocks promises to be an equally entertaining evening of comedy, pushing the envelope at all corners. The cast, all Long Beach locals, features many favorites of Held2gether award-winning improv troupe, as well has some talented newcomers. Their director is Held2gether founder and Creative Director, Darren Held.
"Each of the original sketches were written by the performers themselves under a prompt from the director. They have 30 minutes to create a sketch idea, and then I guide them through it, fleshing out the tone and comic timing. In a way, the creative process is like a reality show." describes director Darren Held. "It's keeps each show fresh and spontaneous, and expands the realm of creativity each season. Our fans really love it"
The sketch show is part of the Held2gether's improv comedy program that features classes in Long Beach - including all levels of improv comedy, sketch writing and performance. Darren is thrilled to team up with the Long Beach Playhouse Studio Collaborative Series to showcase creative original programming from Long Beach artists. "We're continually impressed with quality of theatre that forms our collaborative each season. It's wonderful witnessing such a diverse offering this season of drama, comedy, improv and original work. Held2gether has been instrumental infusing that spirit," says Playhouse Executive Director Madison Mooney. "Their shows are fresh, hilarious and support our ongoing mission here to celebrate the human experience, encouraging the participation of artist and audience alike".
Sketch on the Rocks runs Thursday - Saturday, February 20th to 22nd at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 presale and $20 at the door. They are now available through the box office of the Long Beach Playhouse (562) 494-1014 (press option 1) or at lbplayhouse.org.
Long Beach Playhouse is located at 5021 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach, CA, 90804, right across from the Long Beach Recreation golf course. The Playhouse is community-supported theatre with programs and events that cut across age, gender, ethnic, and cultural boundaries.
Performances are 8 p.m. Thursday- Saturday, February 20-22nd. The box office is open Wednesday-Saturday from 3:00-8:00 pm.