Held2gether, Improv for Life returns to the Long Beach Playhouse in February with its 7th annual original sketch comedy show, this year titled Sketch on the Rocks. The original sketch compilation, known for selling out, runs Thursday- Saturday February 20th- 22nd in the Studio Theatre.
The all-new show boasts sketches, original songs and vignettes touching upon relationships, politics and pop culture in today's world.
Sketch on the Rocks features a cast of local actors and comedians, many of whom are returning from last season. Included in the main event sketches this season are a political debate in Disney's Magic Kingdom, viruses falling in love, and a wizard hiking guide.
"Each of the original sketches were written by the performers themselves under a prompt from the director. They have 30 minutes to create a sketch idea, and then I guide them through it, fleshing out the tone and comic timing. In a way, the creative process is like a reality show." describes director Darren Held. "It's kept the show fresh and spontaneous for a decade of fun. Our fans really love it"
The sketch show is part of the Held2gether improv comedy program that features classes in Long Beach including all levels of improv comedy, sketch writing and performance. Darren is thrilled to team up with the Long Beach Playhouse Studio Collaborative to showcase creative original programming from Long Beach artists."Held2gether has been a great partner for our Collaborative Series," says Playhouse Executive Director Madison Mooney. "Their shows are fresh, hilarious and support our ongoing mission as a community theatre to reflect what our community is doing to our audiences".
Tickets for Sketch on the Rocks are $15 presale and $20 at the door. They are now available through the box office of the Long Beach Playhouse (562-494-1014 (press option 1) or at lbplayhouse.org.