Gayface will be premiering in a workshop production on the main stage this coming Friday June 14 at Hollywood Fringe.
Gayface follows John Hunt, the preeminent actor of his generation, who is weeks away from becoming the first openly gay actor to win the Best Actor Oscar. The only problem is he's spent the entirety of his career publicly presenting as a gay man while personally identifying as straight. The day of his nomination he meets Reggie, a young, black, and gay PA that admonishes him for getting rich and famous on the backs on the queer community while neglecting to speak on their behalf. After a career of doing and saying whatever he's told he struggles to become the spokesperson for a cause that he has fraudulently become a leader of. Gayface explores society's need to create labels and stereotypes before it inevitably imprisons individuals within them.
I'm not gay!
It doesn't matter when the entire world thinks you are...
A Note From the Playwright
Three and a half years ago I typed a note to myself, "Gay Hollywood star outed as straight." And I asked if I had a chance to sleep my way to the top would I? Would I be willing to do it, even if I had to compromise who I really was? With that small, idea of an idea, in mind I began writing. Every weekday morning for two years I woke up at 4am and rapped my fingers across a keyboard until Gayface wrote its way into existence.
In high school I poured over plays in an effort to catch up with my peers. I memorized passages of Angels in America then quoted it chapter and verse to my unwitting classmates. And went on to spend the latter half of my formative years working at my local LGBTQ Theatre in Richmond, Virginia. Gayface is my attempt to give back to the communities that gave too much to me. It's for all my gay uncles and theatre moms that worried over what would become of this strange effeminate straight boy. It's for those of us who aren't what we seem, whose books don't match their covers.
Now, after much encouragement and well wishes, we're bringing Gayface to life at the Hollywood Fringe Festival.
Gayface (The Workshop Production)
1517 N. Cahuenga Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028
Friday, June 14th @ 7:30pm Sunday, June 16th @ 4:00pm Saturday, June 22nd @ 3:30pm Tuesday, June 25th @ 7:00pm Friday, June 28th @ 7:00pm
For Tickets!
There is an IndieGoGo campaign so if you're interested in contributing more information can be found here.
For our IndieGoGo!